Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesAge 4- 5th grade, Middle School & High School Clubs Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (September-May) At Cedarcreek Community Church $30 for first child, $20/ child after that, max cost: $70/family The […]
Financial Peace
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesEvery Thursday from January 10th – March 7th 6:30-8:00PM 9 week course Please sign up at foyer table to attend. For more details, contact Jonas Bates at 206-0094.
Cedarcreek Craft Time
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesSecond Saturday of every month January - May Bring your favorite hobby and invite your friends. Spend time walking around and seeing the creativity of your fellow crafters. Contact Deb […]
Awana – Pajama Night
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesAge 4- 5th grade, Middle School & High School Clubs Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (September-May) At Cedarcreek Community Church $30 for first child, $20/ child after that, max cost: $70/family The […]
Financial Peace
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesEvery Thursday from January 10th – March 7th 6:30-8:00PM 9 week course Please sign up at foyer table to attend. For more details, contact Jonas Bates at 206-0094.
Cedarcreek Men’s Overnight
For years Pastor Rob has spoken at our sister church in Lakeville for their Men's Overnight. This year they are coming to Eau Claire. All Cedarcreek men are invited to […]
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesAge 4- 5th grade, Middle School & High School Clubs Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (September-May) At Cedarcreek Community Church $30 for first child, $20/ child after that, max cost: $70/family The […]
Financial Peace
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesEvery Thursday from January 10th – March 7th 6:30-8:00PM 9 week course Please sign up at foyer table to attend. For more details, contact Jonas Bates at 206-0094.
State of the Church
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesJoin us at the 10:00am service to hear the pastors and leaders discuss the state of the church.
Family Nerf Battle
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesAll Cedarcreekers are invited to a foam flinging afternoon of fun. We will be having an all ages Nerf Battle. Feel free to run and grab lunch orstick around to help […]
Awana – Mustache Night
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesAge 4- 5th grade, Middle School & High School Clubs Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (September-May) At Cedarcreek Community Church $30 for first child, $20/ child after that, max cost: $70/family The […]