Awana – Store Night

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Bring your Awana Bucks and buy from the Awana Store! Age 4- 5th grade, Middle School & High School Clubs Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (September-May) At Cedarcreek Community Church $30 for […]

Women’s Christmas Gathering

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Please bring a Christmas snack to share. We will be caroling in the neighborhood Bring a warm coat, scarf & mittens. Invite a friend to join us! Contact Sue Gerber […]

Awana – Christmas Party

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Come join us for Christmas activities! Age 4- 5th grade, Middle School & High School Clubs Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (September-May) At Cedarcreek Community Church $30 for first child, $20/ child […]

Salvation Army Bellringing

Come join us as we ring the bells for Salvation Army at the south-side Walmart (Gateway Drive) on the grocery side!

Children’s Program Rehersal

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Rehearsal for the children’s program!  Time subject to change.  More details to follow!

Children’s Christmas Program

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Come join us for our Children's Christmas Program!

Nerf Night

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

This is a fun way to interact for ages 14 to adult.  We transform the sanctuary into a Nerf Arena, break into teams and begin to battle!  All equipment is […]

Candlelight Service

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Please come and join us for a candlelight service at 4:00PM.

Faithwalkers – Before The Cross

Faithwalkers is a yearly conference, hosted by Walnut Creek Church for the Midwest Regional Churches of Great Commission Churches. This conference is  for young and old followers of Christ together, to be motivated […]

Awana Leaders Meeting

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States


Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Age 4- 5th grade, Middle School & High School Clubs Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm (September-May) At Cedarcreek Community Church $30 for first child, $20/ child after that, max cost: $70/family The […]

Financial Peace

Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United States

Every Thursday from January 10th – March 7th 6:30-8:00PM 9 week course Please sign up at foyer table to attend. For more details, contact Jonas Bates at 206-0094.