Core Value Study
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesNo Sunday Morning Service
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesPlease join u s at 4:00PM for the Candlelight SErvice.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesPlease come and join us for a candlelight service at 4:00PM.
Kalahari 1305 Kalahari Drive, Wisconsin Dells, WI, United StatesFusion Midwest is an annual gathering of Christians from more than 25 churches. This conference is designed to give college students, young singles, and families of all shapes and sizes a place to meet together and learn how to pursue the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. At the conference you will […]
Church Potluck
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesBring a dish to pass and enjoy food and fellowship after the 10AM service. Feel free to bring a casserole, hot-dish, bag of chips, dessert or delicious family recipe! We'll have tables set up in the foyer with serving utensils ready to go.
Good Friday Service
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesSmall is Big – Marriage Conference
Hiawatha Bible Chapel 907 Hiawatha Dr E, Wabasha, MN, United Statessmall is BIG 2024 Marriage Conference 7:00PM April 5th - 3:00PM April 6th Mike & Cathy Langlois Let’s just admit it, often times marriage is challenging. Whether you are newlyweds or you’ve been married for many years, you may sometimes feel like your marriage isn’t quite what you expected or hoped for. Maybe you just […]
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesCome on Saturday, April 13th from 9:00-11:30 and learn more about Cedarcreek. We will cover topics like our History, Core Values, Mission Statement and more. We will provide coffee and a snack. Please register in the foyer.
Sportsman’s Banquet
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesTickets - $50/person Doors open at 5:00 pm; Dinner at 6:30 pm catered by Karl’s Bar-B-Q Express Includes dinner and a chance to win a gun Seating is limited! Raffle Giveaways: Guns, bows, fishing gear, and more! Proceeds go towards youth outdoor programs providing: -basic gun safety -archery demo and instruction -fishing guidelines -camping skills […]
Sundae Sunday
Cedarcreek 3520 Eastwind Drive, Eau Claire, WI, United StatesJoin us after service for some delicious Culver’s custard!