We are providing hotdogs for this potluck and look forward to sharing time in fellowship with everyone. Please sign up in the foyer with the number of hotdogs you think your family may eat.
Please bring: prepared dish to share
Provided: utensils & beverages
This is a great time of food and fellowship. It’s also a wonderful time to be baptized in Cedarcreek’s warm, clean tub. If you are curious about this step of faith please go through a Baptism Study Guide from the foyer literature rack & then talk to one of the pastors. Feel free to bring your food to the foyer tables before the service.
casseroles & hot dishes:
tater tot casserole, cheesy potato casserole, lasagna, etc.
potato salad, Jello salad with fruit, deviled eggs, fruit salad, etc.
apple crisp, pies, pumpkin bars, brownies, cupcakes, etc.
More details:
Bring prepared dish to new foyer tables before 11:00.
We have kitchen space to plug in crockpots.
Church has one oven. Please bake your dish before you arrive; we can keep it warm for you