Care & Compassion Ministry

“…whoever is kind to the needy, honors God.” Proverbs 14:31b

“I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”‘ Matthew 25:40

Reading in both Old and New Testament, there are many verses describing God’s heart for the widow, the orphan, the hungry and the broken.  He hung out with those on the fringes of society.  We are called to follow in His footsteps. In addition to seeking to cultivate compassion in our everyday lifestyle, here are some ways we incorporate compassion into our church family experience.

Community Service: We are blessed with many great secular and Christian-based organizations for those in need in the Chippewa Valley. We support several of them financially as a church on a regular basis and try to join in with many churches in the area for some of the annual events such as: APPLE Walk for Life; Touched Twice free medical clinics; Justus for Justice walk / run; We Care Eau Claire Backpack for kids and Teamwork Africa Annual events. We also have reached out to nearby Robbins school to seek ways we can show support for teachers (bringing snacks), students (providing money for playground balls) or helping clear the grounds.

Currently, we have chosen to come alongside Hope Gospel Mission’s Renewed Hope program with more focused ongoing volunteer support. Those who are homeless or in need can apply to this Christian-based, comprehensive 15 month recovery program. Some of the areas addressed are addiction recovery, improved mental health, spiritual and character development, communication & job skills and financial management. Those who persevere through all three phases are working successfully at a job and have strong support networks, including a home church and mentor by the time they graduate.

The last Friday of the month, there is a Celebration Dinner to recognize milestones of progress for each resident in the program. Cedarcreek has been providing a cleanup team for the Celebration Dinners since 2017. Some of our families with  school age children find this a great way to help their children learn to have a heart to serve those in need as well as hear the testimony of ones who made poor choices that led to dark places but then found light and hope in Christ for a restored life.  Contact person: Randi Johnson

There are many other opportunities to volunteer within Hope Gospel Mission in tutoring, helping make meals for women’s, men’s or women with children’s homes, assisting with transportation to appointments and more. Call Hope volunteer coordinator 715-552-5566 or visit for current options.

Hospital visitation / Companionship: Life groups are the first line of resource for those going through tough times within our church family, but for those not in a life group or unable to attend church regularly, we have a team of caring individuals to provide personal contact.

If you are hospitalized and would like a visit, please call the church office 715-835-2790 to let us know. The team contacts the hospitals weekly but might miss your visit if it’s a short stay.  Contact Sue Gerber if you would like to join the Hospital Visitation / Companionship team.

Prayer Chain:  We believe in the power of prayer, but sometimes, we are unaware of each other’s needs for prayer in the church body. If you would like to be on the Prayer Chain, contact Briana Novacek . You will then receive prayer requests through your preferred method of either text or email. If you have a prayer request, you can contact the church office (715-835-2790) or Briana.