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Hope – 04.28.2013

04-28-13 Pastor Rob Gerber – Hope, Part 1

April 26th, 2013


In a few short weeks, school will be over for many students and the summer season will be on us. It is hard to say that because with the recent cold weather it seems as though spring just got started. We are planning a summer long teaching series entitled, “Summer of Love”. We will be going through the qualities of love in I Corinthians 13. But before then, there are many good events coming up in the church calendar such as the “Inspire” conference for moms on May 10th & 11th. We will also have an Orientation Class on Saturday May 18th from 9am to noon. If you have never attended, plan on this time around!

This Sunday April 28th at both 9am and 10:45am, Rob will be teaching on the topic of hope. We don’t talk a lot about hope as an essential quality of the Christian but Paul considered it one of the big three along with love and faith. Rob says that hope is unseen and unknown but not uncertain. He will show us how hope builds patience and perseverance into our lives.

You can listen to the following worship songs to prepare your heart for Sunday:

I Delight In You (The Villagechurch)
Starry Night
Desert Song
Till I See You

Pastor Dave