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Judges Samson – 08.05.2012

08-05-12 Pastor Mike Downie – Character in the Midst of Chaos


Summer is racing by! August is already here and it too, will race by. I would like to encourage you to slow down and look around at those closest to you and find a way to be together in a meaningful way. Family time is so precious and summer is a great time to schedule in a time to be home.

This Sunday, August 5, will be part 2 of the Samson story. Last week we saw how Samson lived life according to his own eyes and he went after what he wanted. In the end he was left without a wife and alone at his fathers house. He continues to follow after his own desires as he chases after a woman named Delilah. The Philistines use his weakness for women against him and bribe Delilah to get Samson to tell the secret of his great strength. Samson is brought to a place of complete despair. He loved this woman and she betrays him, he had great strength and it is gone, the eyes that lead him to chase after women are gone and he is left to grind grain in a Philistine prison. What do we do when life brings us to a desperate point of despair? This week we will look at how Samson responds to despair and how God answers him in a powerful way.

I hope to see you Sunday,

Pastor Mike