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Knowing & Being Known – 04.01.2012

04-01-12 Pastor Rob Gerber – A Series on Building Community

Greetings from Berlin Germany,

I flew out with Mark Darling on Wednesday to spend 11 days with the folks at Rock Berlin. I have been praying for opportunities for the Lord to use my time in Germany. No sooner than I got into the airport shuttle at the Ramada and I got into a great conversation with two UWEC coeds. I had a chance to share my testimony on how Christ gripped my life and briefly talk about the gospel. After that a truck driver got into the van in Baldwin and sat next to me. I found out that he had just been diagnosed with cancer. So I prayed for him while we drove to the airport. This was a great start to my journey so please join with me in asking God to use my time here.

This Sunday, we will start our Spring 2012 Focus – “Building Community at Cedarcreek”. Rob will kick off the six week time with a message on “Knowing and Being Known”. To build community, we must learn to build relationships with each other. To build relationships, we must get to know others and let them get to know us. Community is a place where we can be sincere, genuine and honest about our lives in the bond of safe relationships.

Have a great weekend.

Pastor Dave