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Summer of Love – Week 2 – 06.09.2013

06-09-13 Deacon Jason Kanz – Summer of Love Week 2 – Love is Patient

June 7th, 2013
Dear Cedarcreeker,

Some Cedarcreek News:

  • A number of Edge college students have stayed in Eau Claire for the summer. Pastor Rob has designed a format and schedule to help these students grow in Christ. On Friday nights, various pastors around the region will teach encouraging and challenging messages for the Scriptures. There will be various small groups, activities, social outings and outreaches. Pray that growth and unity would develop for the fall.
  • Last night we had the kick-off meeting for Financial Peace University. There were 56 people in attendance of which 10 were not from Cedarcreek. There was an excitement and anticipation of the good that will come from this class.
  • I have been dealing with trying to delineate our eastern property line with our neighbors. There have been encroaching activities and disposal of yard wastes unto our property. We hired a surveyor to determine the correct line. We are now working out the best solution to delineate the line with the neighbors. It looks like we will need to organize a crew this summer to build 900 feet of cedar rail fencing, brushing and tree trimming.

This Sunday June 9th at 10 am, Jason Kanz will be continuing our summer series on love and I Corinthians 13. The topic is one all of us need – “Love is patient”. Please join us for a good time of worship.

This Sunday after the service (Noon) is our first church wide picnic at Altoona Beach County Park. There will be a grill out, baptisms, volleyball, swimming for the hearty (brrr!) and good conversation. It is a great time to mix with folks in church that you don’t normally get to talk too. Like always bring a dish to pass and meat to grill.
Pastor Dave
Promo June 9th 2013, Click here for PDF!