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Summer of Love – Week 1 – 06.02.2013

06-02-13 Pastor Mike Downie – Summer of Love Week 1

Editor’s note: the first minute is really rough but it gets better


May 31st, 2013
Each summer for the past number of years, we have done a summer long series focusing on a book or topic. This summer we will focus on the topic of “love”. The series is called “Summer of Love” a play on the year 1969 when the sexual revolution was raging. We will be centering in on one of the most significant themes in the Bible – what genuine love is as laid out in I Corinthians 13. I hope that you can join us this Sunday June 2nd at 10am as Mike Downie kicks off the series by
looking at how love is the most excellent way. Henry Drummond in his classic little books The Greatest Thing in the World wrote:

“The masterpieces of Christianity are agreed about it. Peter says, ‘Above all things have fervent love among yourselves.’ Above all things! And John goes farther, ‘God is love.’ You remember the profound remark which Paul makes, ‘Love is the fulfilling of the law.’ Did you ever think what he meant by that? In those days men were working for their passage to heaven by keeping the Ten Commandments, and the hundred and ten other commandments which they had manufactured out of them. Christ came and said, ‘I will show you a more simple way. If you do one thing, you will do these hundred and ten tings without ever thinking about them. If you love, you will unconsciously fulfill the whole law.”

Remember if you miss a Sunday this summer, the teaching can be streamed from our website.
Pastor Dave
Promo May 31st 2013, click here for PDF