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It’s my money God! Why should I care? – 05.26.2013

05-26-13 Pastor Dave Lennander – You should want to manage money well

May 24th, 2013

Yeah! The summer season is going to start with the Memorial Day weekend. It has been a long time in coming! Important! Note! – This Sunday May 26th, we start our summer hours with just one service at 10 am. I like the change of pace to the summer. It is fun for the church to all meet together. There is a relaxed and casual atmosphere in the service over the summer period that I believe is a good break from the rest of the year. We don’t want to stop learning and growing as Christians but we can approach things from a different pace.

This weekend, I will finish a two week series on money. This summer we are offering the Financial Peace University. I would like to see many from Cedarcreek take this opportunity and attend. Financial faithfulness is a key topic in the Word of God. Last week I talked about why God wants us to manage our finances well. Money is a heart issue and God is after our hearts. In Deuteronomy 8, we saw how God loves to bless us materially and financially. But at the same time He warned us that when finances and things multiply there is a danger in becoming proud and forgetting God.

This week, I will share on why you should want to manage your finances well. It is in your best interests to do so. God’s word lays out practical guidance on the use of money God’s way. There is a blessing promised to those who follow doing things His way. There are also consequences for ignoring His instruction. I will explore some of the consequences for not managing money Gods way as a motivation to step up and make changes in the way with handle money.

Worship songs for Sunday:

The Stand
Unfailing Love
I Have Found
O Praise Him
Inside Out

This Sunday, we will offer communion so come with your heart prepared to remember Jesus death and resurrection. We will also have a Sundae Sunday where you can build a delicious custom sundae following the service.

Pastor Dave