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Making An Effective Gospel Appeal – 01.20.2013

01-20-13 Pastor Dave Lennander – 1 Thessalonians 2

January 18th, 2013

This Sunday, January 20th, at 9am and 10:45am, we will continue our series in the Book of Thessalonians. Last week in Chapter 1, Paul describes how the Thessalonians openly and fully received the gospel message when he came to their city and preached the Good News of Christ. The gospel came with great power and “rocked their world”. Their lives were radically changed.

The gospel’s power to change was demonstrated in three ways:

  • They changed their allegiance from the world to God’s Kingdom and His people
  • They quickly started telling others of the gospel message so that it rapidly spread to their city and the surrounding regions and jurisdictions
  • They turned from idolatry

We also looked at how idolatry tempts and ensnares us today and how we might turn from it.

The title of this week’s message is “Making An Effective Gospel Appeal”. Paul was a master communicator of God’s Word. In this week’s passage – I Thessalonians 2:1-12, he lays out how they effectively shared the good news of Christ. In doing so, he shares with us, how we can lovingly pass on the good news of Christ to those people who God has put in our lives.

The worship songs this week are below:

  1. Awakening
  2. Sweetly Broken
  3. I Have Found
  4. The Stand
  5. Desert Song

Pastor Dave