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Micah and the Levite – 8.12.2012

08-12-12 Pastor Mike Downie – Character in the Midst of Chaos


A lot has been happening around here this week. The back corner office has been worked on to become an additional classroom for Sunday school. Praise God, we need the space for all the kids! The electricians have trenched a power line for the lights over the new parking lot and are currently installing the light poles. One light pole will be a double sided light that will light up the volleyball court for late night games! We were able to place an order for the 80″ screen because of all your hard work with Country Jam cleanup. That fundraiser has always been so great for building improvements. Hopefully we will have it installed by the end of August.

All this physical change and improvement is evidence of a spiritual growth occurring here at Cedarcreek. It is a good thing to need more space! This is an encouraging testimony to the gospel reaching the hearts of our friends and church family. I would encourage you to make small touches on those around you to sow the seed of the gospel in the hearts of people. We want to grow because growing means people are finding God and growing in their faith!

This Sunday, I will be speaking on Micah and the Levite. This story is a departure from the theme of Judges being raised up and focuses on individuals living during the time of the Judges. Micah was a man that did what he thought was good for his house and family, but it was not at all what God intended for his people to do. He set up idols and a shrine for worshiping the Lord. It seems Micah did not know the ten commandments let alone all the other laws of Moses. A Levite visits him and Micah makes him a priest for his idols. Micah had some clue that he should do something, but he had no clue there were ways God intended for his people to worship Him. Spend some time reading Judges 17 and look for how Micah and the Levite did not look to the Lord for direction. Looking to the Lord for direction is something we must do if we are to build our character in the midst of this chaos around us. It is easy to do as we see fit, but God has a better way for us to follow.

I hope to see you on Sunday,

Pastor Mike