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The Work of an Evangelist – 03.18.2012

03-18-12 Pastor Rob Gerber – Do the work of an Evangelist


This past weekend we hosted a team of 10 college students from Iowa State University. They came up and worked with the students at the Edge to reach out with the love of Jesus at UWEC. They also passed out about 1,500 fliers in the neighborhoods surrounding the church as well. I had heard that at the Sunday prayer and worship time, the students were calling out to the Lord for boldness to be witnesses to Jesus. It can be very frightening to take a stand on the side of truth. It is so refreshing to see these young people serious about their faith and witness. It is a great example to all of us who are older.

This Sunday, Rob will encourage the rest of the church to follow the example of these students. God has called all believers to be His witnesses.

“…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Our witness to Him can take many different forms. God uses our various personalities to reach different people. But all of us are to be involved. Let us pray for courage and wisdom at letting people know of the amazing grace and love of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Dave