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Community – 03.11.2012

03-11-12 Pastor Dave Lennander – from the Story of Ruth


Last Sunday our “Winter Break” celebration was again a very special day as in years past. I was “wound up” the rest of the afternoon and evening following the service and meal. Those getting baptized had great testimonies of how God’s power changed their lives. I want to thank all of those people who helped prepare and serve the great meal. Lots of people invited guests and we had one of our largest attendance figures in several years -284. Let us keep asking God to help us “Win, Build and Send”. “The harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers are few.”

This Sunday March 11th, I will finish our series in the Book of Ruth. This week our topic will be “Community”. It will be a great lead into our Spring Focus starting April 1st which will be titled “Building Community at Cedarcreek”. This week we will see how “community” is powerfully addressed in the Book of Ruth. As married couples or as singles, we all need to weave our lives together with other believers. Fellowship and community need to be an important part of decision-making processes in order for us to keep growing as Christians. Please join us!

Pastor Dave