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A Picture of Salvation – 03.04.2012

03-04-12 Pastor Dave Lennander – from the Story of Ruth


We have had one of the easiest winters that I can remember. However, we did have a blast of wet heavy snow this week that I am still feeling in my joints from shoveling. It was a reminder that we still live in Wisconsin. Although it has been a relatively mild winter, we still seem to need a break. For the past several years, we have sponsored had a Winter Break Sunday about this time in March. This year it is this coming Sunday March 4th. We will incorporate baptisms into the second service. Following that service, we will have a meal together free of charge. We will be serving over 80 lbs of shredded pork. So we have plenty!

I will take a break from focusing on marriage in the Book of Ruth. Instead, I will look at the fascinating way in which God’s dealings with Ruth is a picture of salvation. Ruth’s faith journey is model of God’s working to bring all of us to salvation.

Pastor Dave