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Change – How Does Your Garden Grow? – 02.05.2012

02-05-12 Pastor Rob Gerber – A Series on Change – Mary, Mary quite contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

This Sunday February 5th, Rob will start a two week series on ‘Change’. Many are threatened by change but if we are not allowing God to change us and grow us, we are not making progress in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. Rob has an interesting title, “Mary, Mary Quite Contrary. How Does Your Garden Grow?”, listen and find out more!!!

An Exhortation from Pastor Dave

I have been enjoying the One Year Bible as we read of the great patriarchs of our faith in Genesis. This week has been following Moses in the Exodus. I read an interesting verse that raised the question in my mind, “When is it not good to pray?” I thought it was always good to pray. When the people were trapped by the sea as Pharaoh’s army closed in, the people panicked and started crying out to God. They feverishly prayed. In Exodus 14:15 God says to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.” In the NLT, it says “Get the people moving”. There is a time to pray and there is a time to get moving. This is a great challenge for pastors. We need to keep God’s people moving forward. Lets pray and move forward together to accomplish God’s desire in the Chippewa Valley.

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” † Gail Sheehy